Friday, October 18, 2024

Natural Ways to Treat Acne

Natural Ways to Treat Acne

Our skin is an organ that can become inflamed when pores become clogged and when the sebaceous glands produce too much oil. Whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples occur when oil mixes with the dead skin cells that are constantly being sloughed off. Acne isn’t just a teenage condition – it’s also common in many adults.

If your diet isn’t balanced or your digestive tract isn’t working properly, your skin can be adversely affected. One of the best natural ways to prevent skin diseases such as acne is to make sure that you exercise, drink plenty of water, eat lots of fruit and vegetables and avoid too much tea, coffee, and alcohol.

Sometimes, because of hormonal imbalances or other problems, the skin develops problems no matter what precautions you take. You don’t have to purchase expensive products to get great results in clearing your skin.

Here are some home remedies you may want to try:

  • Green Tea – A natural antioxidant, green tea can be very beneficial to preventing acne. The antioxidants found in green tea fight the “free radicals” that damage skin cells and tissues and has no bad side effects.
  • Brewer’s Yeast – contains chromium, a mineral that helps control how you process sugar. Two teaspoons of brewer’s yeast sprinkled on your oatmeal or breakfast cereal helps to clear the skin and prevent the buildup of bacteria that causes acne.
  • Oatmeal – Has long been used for skin irritations because it draws oil and impurities from the skin. Apply cooked and cooled oatmeal to the face as a mask for about fifteen minutes and then wash off with water.
  • Aloe Vera – The juice or gel found in the aloe vera plant helps to heal skin problems such as acne. Use twice a day to reduce scaring and as a skin cleanser.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – The acid in apple cider vinegar helps to clean facial pores. It can also kill bacteria and remove excess oil on the face.
  • Egg Whites – Egg whites are a natural astringent. Apply as you would a mask on your face and after a few moments, wash with clear water.

Acne can be a problem that controls your life. You don’t feel very social if you have big, ugly sores on your face, so you tend to stay home, eat things you shouldn’t, and feel sorry for yourself.

Instead, pamper yourself and your skin with some of the treatments listed above. These and other natural and effective treatments can be used safely on your skin without buying expensive remedies that sometimes contain irritants that are harmful to your skin.

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