Friday, October 18, 2024

Aromatherapy Used In Treatments of Medical Conditions

October 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Alternative Treatments

Aromatherapy is an ancient practice of using certain aromatic fragrances to stimulate nerves within the nose.  Those nerves reach the necessary part of the brain that controls certain functions.

The science of aromatherapy is the use of scented oils that come from varying parts of flowers, plants, and in some cases – bark!  Each scent that’s used in aromatherapy has an underlying purpose.

Different scents treat different types of conditions within our bodies.  Medical conditions aren’t immune from it.  Aromatherapy isn’t a replacement for medical treatments but is used to enhance and to work alongside them to help treat your ailments.

One condition that can be benefited from aromatherapy is certain types of allergies.  The scent of choice for this condition is the Blue Tansy.  It’s thought to have a powerful effect on the nervous system, which aids in the bronchial dilating process.

The Blue Tansy is also known to aid in pain management, because of the effect it has on the nervous system.  It helps release nervous tension and stress, which can relax the body to a state of calmness.

Eucalyptus and pine scents are good for treating fatigue.  They work by minimizing drowsiness and irritability, which can cause tiredness and lethargy.  You’ll be able to think clearly and stay alert throughout the day.

Lemongrass and sage scents, which are also good for fatigue, are known to help some people with headaches.  These scents calm the nervous system and relax your inner being, which will minimize the headache that won’t allow you to function.

Can you believe aromatherapy can even help you with acne issues?  Cedarwood, lemon, and sandalwood are effective scents that help to promote the body’s ability to control its hormonal balance as well as the oil production within the skin. They can also help relieve stress, which can cause outbreaks.

Aromatherapy is an excellent solution for those who are looking for alternative treatments to use in minor medical treatments. Aromatherapy could be used in candle form and in liquid oil form – just find which method works best for your personal preferences and keep a note of which scents benefit you most.


Aromatherapy Scents That Are Good for Your Mental Health

September 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Alternative Treatments

Aromatherapy has long been touted as a beneficial therapy for physical conditions.  But it can also be good for your mental health as well.  Extracting the scented oils from various plants, aromatherapy products permeate your body and mind to offer relaxing, healthful benefits that last.

Aromatherapy should never be used as a sole treatment to those conditions that go beyond a minor state.  But it can complement traditional treatments prescribed by a professional in the mental health field to make them work more effectively.

 Cinnamon and orange are scents that help list our energy levels and boost our moods.  You might notice whenever you chew a piece of cinnamon gum or eat something citrus-based that it perks you up a bit.  Use these in aromatherapy and you’ll have more than a 1-minute boost that chewing gum offers.

 Bergamot and jasmine are other excellent choices to lift a gloomy mood.  They work by minimizing anxious feelings that can control your mind and thought.  When you allow these thoughts to take charge of your life, depression can take root.

These scents can have a calming effect on your body, which will relax your mind and alleviate depression symptoms.  By combining some of these scents, you can eliminate irritable feelings that bring you down and achieve a more positive outlook on a consistent basis.

 Chamomile and Ylang Ylang are two more stress-relieving scents you can use in aromatherapy.  If you work in a stressful environment, you may want to have these two scents on hand for whenever chaos erupts and you need a quick calming effect.

Is your office in desperate need of a boost in productivity?  You might want to slip in some aromatherapy based on Neroli and Nutmeg – two scents that help reduce stress and increase productivity.

 Chamomile, Lavender and Petitgrain are scents that can be used to help treat insomnia. Insomnia, or the inability to sleep, can cause extreme irritability and even lead to physical health issues.  These scents are known for their sedating abilities, which can result in a good night’s sleep.

Keep track of how different scents affect your mood and mindset and then use them around the house or in the office as needed.  You can even find aromatherapy products for the car if you find driving on busy highways results in irritability or anxiety.